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Thursday, 7 March 2013

The cricetidae family.

The field vole.

Overgrown fields and places with long , rough grass are typical homes for the field vole, which also likes damp, tussocky grass. The field vole is aggressive and noisy, uttering  loud squeaks and angry chattering noises as they defend their small territories, driving out other voles. Each vole will make runways among the grass stems, usually on the tussock grass where it nests. The field vole feeds frequently, by day or night. Field voles are taken by a host of predators, but are prolific breeders. Populations in a favourable habitat often increase rapidly to number in their thousands- a vole plague. The plague is followed by a rapid decline, probably due to less successful breeding because of overcrowding and heightened aggression. These high and low populations occur at intervals of from three to five years, often accompanied by similar fluctuations in predator populations. Field voles are very abundant for a few years in young forestry plantations, but as the trees grow the cast a dense shade causing the grass to die, forcing the voles to go elsewhere. Some will survive on the grassy fringes, from where they can quickly recolonise grassy areas that develop once trees are felled. The normal life span of a field vole is about a year. Field voles are the main food for barn owls, forming around 90 per cent of their diet. Other animals that take the voles include kestrels, foxes, stoats, weasels and snakes. Its yellowy-brown colouring helps to distinguish the field vole from the red-brown bank vole, with a blunt nose and short ears, but it has a shorter, pinker tail and is also known as the short-tailed vole. The field vole has about a four inch head and body with a tail that is about one and a half inches in length. Adult field voles are very belligerent. They compete for territory and are quick to fight in its defence. The field vole is widespread in grassland and hedgerows in both lowlands and uplands, but none are found in Ireland. The main food of the field vole is grass stems, especially the lower stems  which are very succulent, they will also eat bulbs, roots and tree bark at low level. Four or five litters of from four to six young are reared between March and December. By ten days old they are furred and by sixteen days old they are full weaned. At six weeks old, young field voles are ready to mate. Field voles often nest under logs and other objects lying in the dry grass.

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