Conservation for the future.

Welcome to my blog walking through the seasons,over the coming months i will be blogging about many different aspects of wildlife, so i hope you all enjoy looking at my blog.

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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

First sightings.

As we move through spring we start to notice the rampant growth that is within nature. It is happening as we speak, this amazing spectacle explodes into life during the month of May. I would like you to tell me about any migrant birds that you have seen or heard, first warbler, first swallow or cuckoo. Tell me about the first spring flowers and blossom that you have seen. It could be that you have been watching bats emerging at night or your silver birch is coming alive. Also I would like to know about the world of the mini-beast, I have lots of queen bees flying around and numerous butterflies and beetles. Just try to get out into the wonder that is nature and tell me what you see.