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Monday 15 February 2010

ways to encourage wildlife into your garden

1,Make a wildlife corner in your garden that includes,daises,clover and nettles.

This will encourage bees,hoverflies and peacock,comma and small tortoiseshell butterflies.

2,Make a log pile in your garden.

This will encourage slugs,woodlice,centipedes and ground beetles.

3,Plant some wild flowers in your garden in spring and summer.

To include forget me nots,sweet rocket,primroses,lady's smock,buddleia,lavender,red valerian,scabious and knapweed.

4,Make a compost heap.

5,Paint natural yogurt on stones in your garden to encourage lichens to grow.

6,Make a stag beetle bucket by putting holes into the bucket,then filling it with wood chips and soil,try and leave it somewhere it wont be disturbed as stag beetles take a long time to mature.

7,Put up a bird or a bat box.

8,Do some bark rubbing as a family and remember to write down the tree's you rubbed.

9,Collect some cow parsley stems(collect them after it has gone through its cycle) and twigs and cut them into ten inch lengths,after this tie them with bio degradable string and place them in a corner of your garden.

This will attract lady birds,lacewings and other insects.

10,Make a bee home with hollow bamboo pipes.

This will attract mason bees that lay their eggs one at a time in the pipe,they then leave a supply of pollen or nectar and a plug of mud between them.

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