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Friday 2 July 2010

Ways to help you look for snakes.

1, When looking for snakes(grass or adders) its crucial to make an early start, You must start looking no later than one and a half hours after sunrise. Late march through to early june is the best time to look for snakes.

2, It must be a sunny day, Snakes will not come out if it is raining.

3, Always walk with a gentle heel-toe movement.

4, Always keep an eye on where your shadow is falling.

5, Remember its not the noise you make that they can hear, Its the vibration through the ground that will affect the snake.

6, An adder will find a basking point, After she has found it,she will then flatten her body down so she can then maximise the amount of solar radiation she can absorb.

7, After a snake has sluffed its skin it stays in the vegetation, Look out for the sluffed skin as its a good field skill to show you that there are snakes in the area.

8, An adder is our only venomous reptile, But don`t be afraid of the adder. Be cautious when you are near them. Don`t go picking them up just respect them and you will be fine.

9, They won`t come out at you, They will try and disappear as they are not aggressive .

10, Remember to look in a habitat that might suit a snake, A heathland, A wood or low lying vegetation are good places to start.

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