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Thursday 28 October 2010

Your sightings.

I went to slimbridge yesterday and it made me think. There were lots of migrant birds that spend their Autumn and Winter at slimbridge or use it as a stopping off point which were very enjoyable to watch. I would like you to tell me of sightings of migrant birds close to where you live or while you have been on a trip somewhere. You may see finches such as siskins or bramblings or thrushes such as fieldfares and redwings which have migrated from Scandinavia or Russia. Or you may even see a little firecrest that may winter in southern Britain. Let me know if you see whooper or bewick swans that have migrated from the Canadian artic and the artic siberia and the pink footed geese from Iceland or brent or barnacle geese that both come in from the artic as well. There are also various ducks and waders that come into Britain from their breeding ground. Go out and have some fun and tell me any of your sighting. Thank you.

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