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Monday 28 February 2011


The pagan festival of imbolc celebrates the reawakening of the earth and the potential of manifestation inherent at this time. This is a cross quarter festival, its an opportunity for us all to use the developing energy of a new season. In pagan tradition, the triple goddess becomes her virgin self again. The maiden can be known as bride,brigit or brigid.  The days are now beginning to lengthen. It is still cold but the signs of spring are beginning to show. Buds are forming on the trees, sap is starting to rise and the bulbs are pushing through the earth. There are signs of the earth stirring everywhere. Dryads and nature spirits are waking up now as the energies move from the underworld to our conscious world. All of nature is ready to re-born as our acceptance of winter gives way to the urge for us to move forward into springtime energy. Now is the time to prepare inwardly for the changes that will come. Plant your ideas and leave them to germinate. At lammas, opposite  imbolc on the wheel of the year, consciousness began its decent into inner realms and the dark, to find inner wisdom and regeneration. Here at imbolc the unconscious is emerging from inner realms, revitalised,potent and fertile. The unconscious and the conscious join and unite to bring about growth, fertility and manifestation.   Imbolc is a time for initiation and healing,for reclaiming what has been forgotten. The returning active phase of the solar year brings with it an opportunity to use the fire from within, to combine the dynamic inner power with the dynamic with the expansive energy of the year`s cycle.

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