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Thursday 24 March 2011

Spring equinox

Happy equinox to everyone. This is a time when day and night are of equal length across the whole world, in the northern hemisphere we celebrate spring.From now on the days are getting longer, and nights are getting shorter. This is the festival of balance, the balance of light and dark, the balance of the suns active energy and the moons receptive energy, the balance of the outer and inner worlds, and the balance of the conscious fire energy with the forces of the watery unconscious. At the spring equinox we can look forward towards the balance within ourselves. Everything in nature is coming alive and awakening. The sun is gaining strength, the days are getting longer and warmer. Blossom and catkins are erupting on the trees, buds are bursting, seeds are germinating, spring flowers appear everywhere and eggs are hatching and all of the animals are preparing to have their young. Everywhere their is evidence of life's ability to regenerate. The energy is turning from within the dark depths of winter and the inner world, to an outward manifestation of the conscious world. It is to throw off the restraints of winter and the cold months, and now reach out for what it is we want for the world and ourselves. It is a time of rain and sunshine, the elements all mingle together, fire and water, spring gales, high tides, feelings of wildness and chaos as the high winds blow into our faces. Run wild with emotions in that wind and celebrate life's fertility. We are breaking out and moving forwards, as we feel empowered to take risks, strike out on our own and make things happen. The balancing of the earths energy is now balanced, light and dark, conscious and un-conscious, fire and water. Here there is the union of power which  balance fertility and manifestation. This is the spark of the life force.

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