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Thursday, 23 June 2011

Summer Solstice.

Happy solstice to everyone, i have just got back from avebury after celebrating the summer solstice. The sun is at its highest northenly point now in the northern hemerphere. There are twenty four hours of sunshine at the artic circle.This is a turning point from now on as the cosmic wheel starts to slow down.In all of nature the rampant growth period of the year has reached its peak. The natural world is in total manifestation. The trees are in full leaf and blossom,herbs and flowers are flourishing. There begins to be an abundance of vegetables and the fruit and grain are ripening. All over there is a sense of completeness and abundance. The summer solstice is our peak of our expansive and expressive selves. Celebrate what you have achieved and manifested. It is the festival of attaintment and the fulfilment of the individual. It is time to enjoy what you have and who you are. Add the strength and power of the sun to enhance and activate. Abandon yourself to expressive dance, song, joy and a sense of your own uniqueness. Celebrate the death and re-birth of the great cycle of the year. As the power of the outer realms wane, the power of the inner realms expand, and we are made whole.

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