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Monday 22 March 2010

Resource partitioning

This is when animals and creatures come out at night.It makes perfect sense for them to do this, Bats,owls and badgers mostly come out in the evening to forage for their food. Firstly its cooler at night for them. Snails,slugs and earthworms will die in the heat of the day so they come out when it is cooler, The animals take advantage of this to enable them to eat at night.Through resource partitioning owls take advantage of day-time raptors who are asleep at night,Meaning the owls have all the shrews,bank and field voles,harvest mice,yellow neckedmice and woodmice to themselves.Of the 800 large moths 100 of them come out in the day.So butterflies are not avoiding competition but they are avoiding predation.Bats take advantage of the moths coming out at night who themselves may well have become nocturnal to avoid predation themselves.

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