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Tuesday 11 May 2010

Things to look out for in may

A peacock butterfly.

All of our birds are busy finishing their nests and getting ready for their chicks to be born.Swifts are now back after their epic journey from Africa, Amazingly these birds only land to have their clutch. They do everything on the wing from feeding to sleeping.Hedgerows come alive during this month with flowers like cow parsley,Lords and ladies,Hogweed,Goose grass,Hedge woundwart,herb robert and greater stitchwort.Fox cubs can be seen with their mother(the vixen),look out for them by their earth.Horse chestnut blossom is wonderful at this time of year,Also the
catkins on a oak tree are also glorious,Look out for the larger male flowers and the smaller female flowers behind the male flower.May flies start to emerge from rivers and streams during may.They emerge as sub adults from the water,They actually cast their old skins as they leave the water.Reed and sedge warblers start to build up their territories along rivers and canals during may.Bank and field voles have had a litter by now so look out for their young along hedgerows.Small red damselflies may be seen coming into your garden to look for water during dry spells.Blue and great tits will be busily feeding their young with tiny green caterpillars,Both parent birds feed their young,They may have up to twelve eggs in their clutch.The young chicks may be getting ready to fledge by the end of may or the beginning of June.Froglets will be getting ready to leave their breeding grounds soon,look out for them,but look carefully as they are extremely small.Badger cubs start to emerge during may as well,They will be seen feeding outside of their earth,This may only be for a short period though to start with.Hedgehogs may be seen on warm spring evenings in wonderful courtship displays with each other.They come out late at night looking for each other,But be aware these courtships can be very noisy with snuffling and snorting sounds.And finally the bug of the month goes to the common cockchafer or may bug,They may be seen at night near any artificial light during may.Also listen out for the wonderful call of the nightingale in deciduous woodlands .

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