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Saturday 29 May 2010

Wildlife gardens

My wildlife garden at the barn owls pre-school.

I have just completed my first wildlife garden,The garden is at the Barn owls pre school at the chawson barn in Droitwich spa.Over the last three months i have totally transformed the area at the barn.When i first took on the project,The area had never been touched and it was no more than a mass of stinging nettles and rubble.Their was even an area that the neighbours had used to through their branches over from their silver birch tree.The first operation was to tackle the over hanging trees that were towering over the wall at the back of the garden.Then we removed the two compost bins that were in place(they were no more than waste bins).We then took away all of the branches and the rubble that were on the garden.(all of this was making the area look more like a rubbish tip than a wildlife garden).Then came the task of digging the whole area over.In all we dug the whole area five times with forks and spades.After taking care of removing all of the rubbish, we could then concentrate on actually returning the garden to a wildlife area for people to enjoy.After doing all of this we then marked out the area that i wanted for the borders so i could then put all of the different types of garden in that i wanted.

Another picture of the wildlife garden on a overcast day.

The wildlife garden would compromise of 1,Digging/planting area for the children. 2,Compost bin. 3,Bird feeder. 4,Log pile. 5,Stone pile. 6,Spring flower area. 7,Sensory garden. 8,Painted side wall. 9,Wildflower area. 10,Insect and butterfly boxes. 11,Re-seed the lawn area. 12,Insect tower. 13,Apply bark over all of the borders. 14,Put a log pile around the bird feeder. 15,Beetle bucket.After completing all of these and a lot of watering,We were finished.The garden looks superb now,A lot of effort but it was well worth it, as we have had house sparrows return already,Common blue butterflies,Small white butterflies and a cardinal beetle to name but four things to be seen in our garden.If anyone is interested in me doing a wild life garden for them they can contact me on 01905773313 or e-mail me via this blog.

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