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Tuesday 21 September 2010

Autumn equinox.

This is one of the pagan quarter festivals when day and night are in perfect balance again all over the world. The sun enters the star sign of Libra, Bringing balance and harmony. The equinoxes prepare us for change in the earth`s energy. This is the transition into the winter season which we must all respond to. Things start moving fast from now onwards. As a pagan the autumn equinox is really important to me. The way i see it is that everything co-exists together and we need both sides to be balanced and whole. The seen and the  unseen, The known and the un-known, Creation and destruction, Death and re-birth. Preparations and intentions for the coming winter months must be made now. The days are shortening and the increasing cold are here to remind us that change is coming. The leaves are changing colour and falling from the trees; The fruit is now ripening and needs to be gathered in. Outside jobs needs to be completed. The sap in the trees and plants is moving down now. This is the beginning of root energy and brings sleep, rest and renewal to the tree in preparation for spring. This is now a chance for all of life to go within and re-enter the dark womb of the spiritual world. This is the balance between the outer journey and the inner journey, Which provides a strong foundation for our lives . Autumn is a time for long term planning and incubation. The seed ideas we plant now will re-emerge in the spring changed, transformed and strengthened by their time in the unconscious. We have become disconnected from the natural world and the source and our inner knowing. Use the Autumn equinox to reclaim the balance . Give thanks to the harvest and appreciate all that the earth has provided for us. I always see what i can give back to the earth. The endless cycle brings renewal and new opportunities to explore and understand ourselves.Happy equinox.

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