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Monday 6 September 2010

Things to look out for in september.

Our hedgerows come alive during September, Blackberries, Hawthorns, Damsons, Elderberries and sloes are just a few of the delights on show. When you are walking around a woodland or through a meadow look out for signs of woodmice. They will leave the remains of most of these berries in their nest as they leave the remains of the Autumn harvest. Seeds are wood mice's main food during the year but during Autumn and winter they will eat various fruits of the hedgerow. They will make their small burrows along the hedgerow. For yourself many a beautiful apple and blackberry crumble has been created during September. Swallows and house martins will start to gather on wires throughout Worcestershire as they slowly start the long migration back to South Africa. We will also say goodbye to chiffchaffs, whitethroats,willow warblers and sedge and reed warblers as they plan their migration south. Chaffinch`s are swallowed up by European migrants during September. Their numbers increase so this generates large flocks of chaffinch`s flying around Worcestershire. Muntjac deer are active during September around brambles and grasses feeding as they move through a woodland. Muntjac deer don`t rut so they don't have a fixed breeding seasons. The doe`s can conceive after a few days of fawning and may give birth every seven months. Sweet chestnuts and hazel nuts are plentiful as well during September. Make sure though you get to harvest them before the bank voles, wood mice or squirrel`s eat them all. Depending on the shape of the nut shell on the ground you can tell what animal has eaten the nut. Unlike common frogs and toads, Smooth newts tend to hibernate close to their ponds or streams where they have b red. They will start to leave the water during September. They will look for a log or stone in rough vegetation, They  will then spend the winter under the log or stone and emerge in spring. Oak bush crickets which is a small green cricket and dark bush crickets which are slightly larger and brown may be seen in your during September. Seven spotted lady birds can still be seen in high numbers during September. They are looking for the last of the aphids before the could weather kills them all.Cranefly and harvestmen can be seen in your gardens in high numbers. September just wouldn`t be the same without them flying around your back light at night. Dor beetles can be seen on paths or flying to lights on warm evenings. They are armoured waste disposal units and their skeletons and wing cases often turn up in badger and fox droppings, Making them appear to glitter like metallic-purple jewels. Finally if you grow honey suckle in your garden you may see the convolvulas hawk moth. They migrate here from southern Europe and northern Africa.

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